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Wednesday 4 May 2016


Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. He built the Nazi Party into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He instituted sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the slaughter of millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavic peoples, and many others, all of whom he considered inferior.

After he became a voice in the Nazi party, his good public speaking manner gave him many supporters. Hitler obtained enough support to have himself chosen as Führer (absolute leader) of the party on July 29, 1921.

Hitler appealed to a wide variety of people by combining an effective and carefully rehearsed speaking style with what looked like absolute sincerity and determination. He found a large audience for his program of national revival, racial pride in Germanic values, hatred for France and of Jews and other non-German races, and disdain for the Weimar Republic. Hitler asserted only a dictatorship could rescue Germany from the depths to which it had fallen. 

The victory of the Nazi Party, which had campaigned vigorously for the rejection of all of Germany's financial obligations, caused foreign investors to withdraw their money from Germany, and the German banking system collapsed due to lack of capital. As economic conditions worsened, the appeal of the Nazis was far more effective than that of other parties: The Nazis were the one group that claimed to have all the answers. In a short time, the other political parties lost voters to the Nazis. Unemployment rose drastically, and in this time of great economic hardship many who had never voted before were drawn to the Nazi Party, which offered simplistic but appealing solutions to their problems and was not tied to one class or interest group. Consequently, they believed it could establish a government that would be more effective than the republic. In elections held in 1932, the Nazis received more votes than any other party, and Hitler demanded that President Hindenburg appoint him chancellor.

Immediately upon becoming chancellor, Hitler moved to strengthen his power. He persuaded President Hindenburg to issue a decree suspending all civil liberties in Germany. A subservient legislature passed the Enabling Act, which permitted Hitler's government to make laws without legislative approval. The act effectively made the legislature powerless. Hitler then installed loyal Nazis in important posts in the bureaucracy, the judiciary, and the German provincial governments. He replaced all labor unions with the Nazi-controlled German Labor Front and banned all political parties except his own. The economy, the media, and all cultural activities were brought under Nazi authority. An individual's livelihood was made dependent on his or her political loyalty. Thousands of anti-Nazis were taken to concentration camps—the existence of which was widely publicized—and all signs of dissent were suppressed. A massive propaganda campaign celebrated the end of democracy in Germany, and huge, staged demonstrations gave the impression that everyone supported Hitler.

In 1933 Hitler initiated policies to rid the Aryan race of undesirable elements and eliminate other races that he considered inferior and dangerous to the Germans. The first discriminatory laws against Jews came in 1933. These laws barred Jews from government employment and restricted their admission to universities. In subsequent years, the anti-Semitic laws became increasingly harsh, as Jews were deprived of citizenship, excluded from more and more jobs, forbidden to own cars, thrown out of public schools, and stripped of their property. He later began the process of German rearmament and militarization which eventually lead to World War II. He waged war with Poland, with Slovakia, Belgium, Luxemburg and other surrounding countries. He intended attacking USA but was shorthanded. His troops planned to kill all Jews in the portions of the USSR they occupied and began the process in 1941. 

In late July 1941, Hitler decided to extend the systematic killing of Jews to all of German-occupied Europe. After the renewed German offensive in the USSR in October 1941 appeared to make great progress, he decided the time had come to go even further: All Jews on earth would be killed. However, the Nazis found that German police and soldiers who did the killing were often traumatized by the experience. To make the slaughter faster and less stressful, the Germans built specially designed death camps, primarily in occupied Poland, to which Jews and other prisoners from all over Europe were transported. These camps contained large gas chambers where hundreds of prisoners at a time could be quickly, easily, and impersonally murdered by poison gas. 

When some of his military strategies started to fail and british and American bombers started to destroy his industries, even assassination attempts made on him, he appointed Karl Dönitz, the head of the navy and a devoted Nazi, as his successor. He then married his mistress Eva Braun and committed suicide in Berlin on April 30, 1945.

Ugly Experiments Facilitated By Hitler... 

nazi human experiments
Despite the obvious evils that Nazis inflicted on the world, behind closed doors doctors and scientists were conducting some of the most abhorrent and disturbing experiments on human subjects.
According to NOVA, there were 30 such Nazi human experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners.
The result was unimaginable pain, mutilation, disability and ultimately death.

Here is a list of the most shocking and evil experiments that you may not have ever heard about.
1. Freezing
Nazi doctors submerged victims in vats of icy water for periods of up to five hours in an attempt to find ways to treat German pilots forced to eject into icy ocean water. The victims were either naked or dressed in aviator suits and submerged in water. Others were taken outside into the freezing cold and strapped down naked.
2. Twins
The infamous Dr. Josef Mengele experimented on twins in an effort to learn the secrets of multiple births and to find a way to quickly multiply the German race. Mengele’s experiments were performed on prisoners at Auschwitz. He experimented on 1,000 pairs of twins. Roughly 200 survived those experiments. When twins were of no more use to Mengele, he’d dispatch subjects with an injection of chloroform straight to the heart.
3. Tuberculosis
Other Nazi doctors wanted to see if some people had a natural immunity to tuberculosis in order to develop a vaccine. Dr. Kurt Heissmeyer injected the tuberculosis bacteria directly into the lungs of his victims at the Neungamme concentration camp. He was responsible for the deaths of at least 200 people.
4. Phosgene Gas 
nazi human experiments
Nazis subjected 52 concentration camp prisoners to Phosgene gas in an attempt to find an antidote to the compound. Phosgene was used as a biological weapon during WWI. The Nazis intentionally exposed victims to the gas, causing unbearable irritation in the lungs. Many prisoners, already malnourished and weak, suffered further complications after the experimental exposure, and four died.

5. Transplant Experiments
The Nazis wanted to know if a person’s joints and limbs could be removed and transplanted into someone else. These cruel experiments led to scores of concentration camp prisoners having limbs needlessly amputated. Every attempt to transplant a limb or joint was a failure. Many were killed, mutilated and exposed to excruciating pain. Sections of muscle, bone and nerves were also removed in fruitless attempts to regenerate those body parts.
6. Sea Water
Infamous Nazi doctor Hans Eppinger tried to make seawater drinkable, but failed. Scientists forced about 90 Gypsies to drink only seawater, and deprived them of all food or fresh water. The victims reportedly licked a freshly mopped floor just to get a small amount of fresh water. Serious bodily injury resulted from these horrible experiments.

7. Poison
The Nazis also used poison to torture and kill inmates. At the Buchenwald concentration camp, Russian prisoners were injected with experimental poisons as scientists worked to develop new methods of execution. One was a combination of phenol and cyanide.
Other experiments included adding toxic chemicals to food or shooting prisoners with poison bullets. Those who didn’t die during the experiments were murdered so that an autopsy could determine what impact the poison actually had.

8. Artificial Insemination
The notorious Heinrich Himmler himself ordered a Nazi doctor to artificially inseminate concentration camp prisoners though various experimental methods. Dr. Carl Clauberg artificially inseminated about 300 women at Auschwitz, who were strapped down and taunted mercilessly. Clauberg told his victims that he had used animal sperm to create a monster inside of them. 
All these terrible deeds! A man with such barbaric and cruel blood deserves worse more than the way he ended. It's unfortunate that the thousands of innocent blood he shed could not be adequately compensatedone of the ugly things about war. That's why we don't need a Third World War. 
Say Yes to Peace!


Microsoft Encarta 2009, TopSecretWriters.comholocaustonline.org

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